Pulgar Rhythmic Movement: Volume I

54.99 $

The present volume refers to exercises of simultaneous stroke of the thumb with the index (i), middle (m) and ring finger (a) as well as independent thumb stroke (no combination with the above fingers).
These exercises practice the rhythmic movement of the thumb and are performed on the chromatic scales of one string (8 notes).



About this Book Series

The present volume refers to exercises of simultaneous stroke of the thumb with the index (i), middle (m) and ring finger (a) as well as independent thumb stroke (no combination with the above fingers).

These exercises practice the rhythmic movement of the thumb and are performed on the chromatic scales of one string (8 notes).

The chromatic scale develop on the first string and in same units legati are inserted without the thumb losing its rhythmicality.

n the exercises of the present volume a symbol (a small square) is introduced. This symbol stands for stroke with no support. When the index, middle and ring finger strike simultaneously with the thumb the adjacent strings, those fingers (index, middle and ring finger) will strike with no support, will strike in other words TIRANDO.

Of course all notes can be played in the same way without support (TIRANDO).

The notes (numbers) that are not enclosed in the small square can be performed in three ways:



3. Alternatively in the above two ways


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