About this Book
The present book consists of exercises on alternating of the mode of strike of fingers i, m and a from Apoyando into Tirando and vise versa from Tirando into Apoyando.
This alternation is very common in the technique of Classical and Flamenco guitar. The book has considerable material with several variations and is based on the chromatic scale of a string (8 notes) as the following:
Needless to say, all the exercises in the book can be performed in Tirando mode only, however, this book was prepared for the alternation of fingers strike as mentioned above. The paragraphs with indication A are related to fingerings of the thumb with two fingers of right hand, i.e.: im, mi, ma, am ia and ai.
The paragraphs with indication B are related to fingerings with three fingerings as the following:
In the beginning of each Unit the first fingering of paragraphs A (the thumb with index and middle finger) is listed, as well as the first fingering of paragraph B – thumb with three fingers and more precisely, thumb with the fingering imam.
The above summarized citation helps the student – learner – reader to have a good oversight of the structure of the exercises in this book.
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